Jumping on trampolines is one activity that people of every age love to do. Jumping, bouncing, and falling over the trampoline seems so exciting every time we do it!
Jumping and doing physical movement over a trampoline makes the muscles of a jumper strong and helps in releasing happy hormones in the person ensuring a healthy and happy mind and body.
However, the correct measurements of a trampoline are of utmost importance. The trampoline should be such in measurement that it is able to accommodate people of every age as per its requirement.
Commercial rectangular trampolines are huge and can accommodate more than one person at one time, while domestic rectangular trampolines are small and are adjusted to fit in the yard of a house.
Thus, the size of the trampoline that one chooses varies according to the need.
In this article, we will discuss the perfect size of rectangle trampolines for every age.
There are different sizes of trampolines that are used for different age groups depending upon the ability of the jumper to sustain balance over the trampoline, the size of the rectangular trampoline for different age groups are spread as follows:
Age Group 1 To 3 Years – Mini- Rectangular Trampoline:
For very young children who fall in the group of 1 to 3 years, mini-trampolines suit the best.
Mini trampolines are smaller versions of large trampolines which are meant for small children, they usually come with a bar on the top to maintain balance or hold in case of an imbalance.
Trampolines are very good to increase the agility in the muscles, especially for growing children. It strengthens the bones and is good for the health of their heart.
Mini-trampolines are therefore quite good in size and security for the kids.
Age Group 4 To 5 Years – Mini-Trampoline/ 4 Feet To 6 Feet Rectangular Trampoline:
Another category of the age group that we can form is 4 to f years old. Children of this category can balance themselves better than the previous age group.
They can be put to use with a mini-trampoline also, but preferably a trampoline with a length, breadth, and height of 4 feet to 6 feet suits best for them.
These children are in the growing stage and should be put on a little larger trampoline because of their different paces of growth.
Age Group 5 To 6 Years – 6 Feet To 10 Feet Rectangular Trampoline:
Another category of growing children is 5 to 6 years old. The growth rate of these children is also quite good.
Thus, the size of the trampoline can range from 6 feet to 10 feet of a rectangular trampoline.
The size range is quite big because of the varied growth rate of children in this age group.
Age Group 7 To 8 Years – 8 Feet To 12 Feet Rectangular Trampoline:
This category of age group involves children between the age of 7 and 8 years. Children at this age grow differently.
Some might have a good height at this point while the others might not be so tall, this becomes an important factor in choosing the right size.
The jump of the jumper and its bouncing off are important considerations, thus, one should consider all the factors before choosing a trampoline for this age group.
Age Group 9 To 12 Years – 10 To 14 Feet Of A Rectangular Trampoline:
The children enter the age of adolescence at this point, thus, one should buy a larger size of trampoline for such kids. Ideally, the size range can be between 10 feet to 14 feet.
However, it largely depends upon the jumper for whom the trampoline is being bought domestically.
For example- boys take longer in growing than girls, keeping that fact in mind the size of the trampoline should not be small that it only lasts for a few years and becomes a waste after some years because of growth in height or weight and muscles of the jumper.
At large, at this age, the trampoline’s size should be such that it does not create a restriction on the future use of the equipment.
Age Group 12 Years And Above – 16 + Feet Of A Rectangular Trampoline:
This is the last category in which we can put the users of a trampoline, it also includes all the adults who love to jump and bounce over the trampoline.
The largest size of the rectangular trampoline can go well for people 12 years and above.
They have sufficient ability to balance out over a piece of larger equipment.
This was the break-up of different age groups and the trampoline sizes that suit the best for each one of them.
One can follow the above size range to find out the best rectangular trampoline for them considering other factors as well.